In 1931, Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for a very important discovery “A direct relationship between pH and Oxygen” – the same oxygen that is needed to maintain healthy cells.
He also quoted that “cancerous tissues are acidic, healthy tissues are alkaline” and found that cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen (as found in alkaline state).
Can being too acidic cause any other issues?
Absolutely! Acids in our body cause us to gain and hold onto fat, age quicker, contract diseases and reduce our energy levels.
So, why are our bodies too acidic?
Think about our lifesyles….fried and processed foods, coffee, alcohol, stress. All these factors contribute to our acidic bodies. Our bodies need to work hard to get it back to ideal state…to keep it balanced.
7.365pH is where our body needs to be in order to get all the benefits of alkalinity.
As an example, one glass of cola is so acidic it takes 30 glasses of alkaline water to neutralise.
Yes….30 glasses to neutralise 1 glass! No wonder most people are 20% alkaline, 80% acidic instead of the ideal opposite! Too much acids in our bodies.
How does alkaline water help?
Being a potent antioxidant, alkaline water purifies the body of toxins.
It not only neutralises the acids, it can strengthen the immune system as well.
As a lot of what we consume determines the level of pH in our body, the adverse effects of the acids can easily be avoided by using the best alkaline water filters.
Getting back to our natural state of 7.4pH alkalinity is imperative for healthy living.
Australian alkaline water is available through Vitel Water. Check out to find out more.
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